Sampson finally kills his ball

I’ve never been able to coax any of my horses to play with a ball (they always seem to prefer playing with other horses’ blankets or halters) but this guy (and the mini in the earlier video) sure have fun.

The disappointment when the ball deflates is just palpable! I sure hope they have a few spares.

6 thoughts on “Sampson finally kills his ball

  1. I wish Yoga balls had been invented when Mr. Chips was around. A ball his size? That he can push around? He would have been as sleek as a greyhound, and very muscular.

    I laughed at the end (not at him, that was an aw moment) when I thought “Hey! They finally bred a self-sacking out horse!”

  2. This is the first time I have seen this and I could not stop laughing. That youngter sure looked like he was having fun and then looked so confused when it deflated. I sure hope the videographer soon thru in a new one!

  3. Too adorable and hilarious! Momma looks like she is happy he is getting his kicks with that ball, instead of her!
    Have you seen the really AWESOME video of a more mature horse, playing with the much larger ball on You tube from Karen Rohlf- Attomic playing soccer ?
    It’s so cool, funny with the soundtrac she has to it.
    I bet Sampson may get a kick outa that SIZE a ball too!

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