A fox in the backyard

Red Fox SleepingThis afternoon I glanced out the window and saw a fox. It looked young, healthy and sleepy.

It looked back at me through the window, decided I wasn’t a threat, turned three times in a circle and lay down in the grass.

I guess my backyard is a familiar place for this fox because he looked very much at home. He was obviously unconcerned that my dogs were in the front yard. He just wanted a nap.

Unfortunately, when I got my camera, I spooked him and he disappeared into the undergrowth up the hill.

I hope he’ll come back.

Funnily enough, I saw a fox last week out on the trails (which abut my house). Maybe it was the same fox. He was trotting down the trail like he owned it. Since I was riding, I don’t think he realized right away that I was human and he let me get pretty close. Or, maybe he didn’t care.

One thought on “A fox in the backyard

  1. Very cool!!! At my old barn, a fox would occasionally come and watch me ride when I was schooling in the outdoor in the evenings. He’d watch me so intently that I’d swear he was critiquing me, telling to get my heels down, shoulders back, and whatnot, like the reincarnation of a former riding instructor. I loved having his company, and nicknamed him GM (for obvious reasons.) 🙂

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