Just a ride around town

After the long, cold winter I have really been enjoying spring. Our small part of Massachusetts is incredibly beautiful — especially when everything is vibrantly green with new growth. We’ve had just about the ideal combination of rain and sun and everything is growing like crazy.

On Sunday, it was a perfect day for a hack. I went out for about a 7 mile ride with a friend from the barn. We never left our town but there were times when it looked like we were very far away from Boston. It’s mornings like these that I am very grateful to live in a town that is so horse friendly.


After riding through a beautiful open field, we go right past this pond. It’s right next to a busy road, but you can’t see that part.
Almost across the street from the pond is an old farm and a new vineyard. We are allowed to ride around the edge of their fields which were dotted with dandelions.
pond 2
Back home past the pond. I love the reflections of the buildings and the trees.
This ride was from a few days ago, but we  passed through this field, too. Most of the landowners in town are welcoming to equestrians.
This ride was from a few days ago, but we passed through this field, too. Most of the landowners in town are welcoming to equestrians.

6 thoughts on “Just a ride around town

  1. It is gorgeous! Love the pond pictures! Sounds wonderful with land owners willing to let horses go along the perimeter of their properties. Over there in California I have never seen that. Mostly fenced in. You live in wonderful horse country!

    1. Looks like you rode to Flynt’s field – about a half mile from where I Iive – that’s quite a ride from barn!

      Still getting Mouse in shape for the June trek!


      1. Yes, we rode around the Flint’s fields — although they had the tractor out and the second field was too wet to ride around. I think we did a hair under 7 miles.

        We don’t have to go that far when we ride!

  2. Wow! That ride looked stunning. You are so lucky to have such nice land owners in your area. 🙂

    1. Luckily I live in a town that has a strong equestrian history. We have to fight for it every couple of years but so far, we’ve managed to keep the trails open. Some other towns have not been so lucky and when new people move in they close off the trail access.

  3. Sooooo beautiful! I love seeing all that green, and the photos. Where I’m boarding, one has to trailer out to a trail. The training barn, however, has trails through orchards and vineyards, and I am itching to borrow a horse and explore…

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