A Warm Winter’s Day

Warm Winter's Day

I got my Christmas present early: a day warm enough to ride in just a fleece sweater. There’s just a hint of snow left — mostly slush — and the sun felt warm on my face.

Zelda reminded me that she was still wearing a full winter coat, so we took a walk and enjoyed the scenary, which consisted of about eight deer and a very handsome hawk. Those deer sure are getting bold. They don’t even get up from where they’re sleeping!

I’m still a bit nervous about riding in the slush. It was this kind of day when Zelda fell and I broke multiple limbs, so I was happy to take it easy.

If only these nice warm temperatures would continue. I’ve already had enough cold weather this winter.

2 thoughts on “A Warm Winter’s Day

  1. Is there anything better than riding a warm horse on a cold day? OK, one’s hands and feet get cold, but if you are like I used to be…a confirmed bareback rider, a nicely haired up horse in the winter is like having heated seats in one’s car. Do be careful and have a Merry Christmas!..

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