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Emerging from hibernation

I was feeling pretty smug when I woke up on Sunday morning. I’d moved my trailer on Saturday night to a place where I was pretty sure a tree or branch wouldn’t fall on it. And I was very pleased to find it still intact when I glanced out the window. We’d had some tree damage and there was a large branch across our driveway but our vehicles were fine and we still had electricity.

Or at least we did until 10:30. After a few helpless splutters where the lights flickered on and off and then stayed off. For 30 hours.

You don’t realize quite how important electricity is until you don’t have it. Especially when it’s cold out. Last night it went down to 23 degrees . . . which was fine when you are under two down quilts, but not so great when  you have to emerge from their cocoon.

When I went to feed the horses, they were not at all concerned. Wrapped in their warm blankets they were impervious to the lack of electricity. Their fencing was intact and they had no idea that the hot wires were cold as ice. There biggest problem was the layer of ice on their water tank.


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