The places hay gets into

Feeding hay

As I sit here digging hay dust out of my iPhone charging port, I contemplated all the places where hay has infiltrated my daily life: down my shirt, inside my bra, in my shoes, in my car, the pockets of my jackets. Come to think of it, there are very few places where thereĀ isn’t any […]

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Watch out for moldy hay

I have a good source for hay and in the fall we had them put aside about 5 tons of hay to get us through the winter. In all that hay, I found just one moldy bale. You should never feed moldy hay. Breathing in mold spores can cause a horse to develop Chronic Obstructive […]

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The search for second cut hay

For the last couple of years I’ve bought my hay locally from the town farm. One of the advantages of buying from them was that they would hold several hundred bales for me and deliver them as needed. I liked having the hay “on tap” and appreciated that the horses were able to have the […]

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Save hay and money with a pasture feeder.

I’ve always hated when my horses waste hay. It’s like throwing money on the ground and it’s a pain in the butt to rake it all up. So, about five or six years ago I invested in a pasture feeder. Pasture feeders are expensive. It’s easy to spend several hundred dollars for a rugged model. […]

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Will work for hay

The rain we had this summer has had a big (negative) impact on hay yields. Some of my friends who grow their own hay have already concluded that they will need to buy some to get them through the winter. People like me are dreading the surge in prices that usually accompanies a shortage. Two […]

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Eau de Grassy Meadows

I was out riding this afternoon, walking at the edge of the hay field and inhaling the most incredible scent. Really, if I could bottle this I’m sure that equestrians would snap it up. Here’s what I envision: Top notes of green hay — hay that is drenched with spring rain, with just enough warmth […]

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