Just a ride around town

After the long, cold winter I have really been enjoying spring. Our small part of Massachusetts is incredibly beautiful — especially when everything is vibrantly green with new growth. We’ve had just about the ideal combination of rain and sun and everything is growing like crazy.

On Sunday, it was a perfect day for a hack. I went out for about a 7 mile ride with a friend from the barn. We never left our town but there were times when it looked like we were very far away from Boston. It’s mornings like these that I am very grateful to live in a town that is so horse friendly.


After riding through a beautiful open field, we go right past this pond. It’s right next to a busy road, but you can’t see that part.
Almost across the street from the pond is an old farm and a new vineyard. We are allowed to ride around the edge of their fields which were dotted with dandelions.
Back home past the pond. I love the reflections of the buildings and the trees.
This ride was from a few days ago, but we passed through this field, too. Most of the landowners in town are welcoming to equestrians.
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