Dress up your barn with a barn quilt

Barn Quilts are colorful square plywood blocks mounted on barns or other buildings.  The idea was originated in Ohio by Donna Sue Groves who wanted to honor her mother, an avid quilter.  A “Clothesline of Quilts” has since spread through counties in Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, and soon New Jersey.

Take a look at some examples — I think they look wonderful.

Little Bee STudio Barn Quilt

Blue Ridge Mountains

barn quilt

5 thoughts on “Dress up your barn with a barn quilt

  1. There is a public building that is an old red barn that has a quilt on the side of it about 20 minutes from my house. I always thought it was cool but never had any clue other people did it.

  2. Just imagine my surprise to see your lovely photographs on an Equine blog highlighting quilt barns! Delightful! Thank you for sharing your images with us. I will pass along your blog to folks who love horses and the quilt trails!
    I’d like to invite you to the Quilt Trail Gathering ~ Celebrating a Decade. Quilt Trails have blossomed into a multi-nation quilt barn trail phenomenon (30 states and 2 provinces in Canada) that is now celebrating a decade of trails.
    We are celebrating this achievement hosting the Quilt Trail Gathering this May 13-14th here in Adams County, Ohio. Noted speakers and a lot of sharing will be featured. Details about the Gathering are available on our website (www.quilttrailgathering.com). Please join us on our Face Book page – I will post your wonderful photos on it now. (www.facebook.com/quilttrailgathering).

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